Sunday, May 13, 2007

Reading mobile blogs with Yahoo Pipes

There is no shortage of information sources for voracious readers. Domain of mobile software development is no exception. Quality and relevancy do vary of course. When it comes to the mainstream media I find Information Week and its Mobility Tech Center the most informative. Outside of traditional publications FierceMarkets and its sites – FierceWireless, FierceMobileContent and in particular Fierce Developer – offer the most relevant content.

You can subscribe to variety of sources with your favorite blog reader. Now Yahoo Pipes offers even easier access to information you want to access on regular basis. Pipes allows you to remix data feeds and create information mashups. You can combine information from multiple sources and create a single feed of information you are interested in.

As a quick experiment I created a feed combining the most recent items from this blog, FierceDeveloper and Information Week mobile blog. You can find result at