Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mobile Ajax

Ajax has gained significant following as a way to create Rich Internet Applications (RIA). For discussion of various RIA technologies you can refer to my paper Rich Internet Applications Pick Up Where HTML Stops.

Mobile Ajax FAQ by Ajit Jaokar, Rocco Georgi and Bryan Rieger provides wealth of information on how Ajax applies to creation of mobile applications. The topics include (among others):
  • Is there a Mobile Ajax checklist/minimum requirements?
  • Why should one do Ajax on mobile phones / what problem does it solve?
  • What are the options to Mobile Ajax?
  • What existing Mobile Ajax frameworks, toolkits and libraries should I use?
  • Which browsers support Mobile Ajax?
  • What are the (current) hurdles in implementing and running Mobile Ajax applications?
FAQ gets into a good level of details and is a good read.